
YOLOv3 Sample Code

The example directory provided by NPU Runtime (npu_runtime_sample) mainly includes sample code for calling the NPU Runtime interface and the model directory.

Installing YOLOv3 Example

sudo apt install es-sdk-sample-npu-runtime

After installation, the sample can be found in the /opt/eswin/sample-code/npu_sample/npu_runtime_sample directory.


The example directory provided by NPU Runtime (npu_runtime_sample) mainly includes sample code for calling the NPU Runtime interface and the model directory: src and models. The detailed directory structure is as follows:

debian@rockos-eswin:/opt/eswin/sample-code/npu_sample/npu_runtime_sample$ tree
├── bin
│ └── sample_npu
├── models
│ └── yolov3
│ ├── es_yolov3_classes.txt
│ ├── es_yolov3_post_process.json
│ ├── es_yolov3_pre_process.json
│ ├── git_yolov3_416_mix_1x3x416x416_dyn_latency.model
│ ├── git_yolov3_416_mix_1x3x416x416_dyn_latency.ofmap_order.txt
│ ├── input
│ │ ├── pictures
│ │ │ └── input0
│ │ │ ├── bus.jpg
│ │ │ └── dog.jpg
│ │ └── preprocessed
│ │ ├── 0
│ │ │ └── bus.bin
│ │ ├── 1
│ │ │ └── dog.bin
│ │ └── list.txt
│ └── model.json
└── src
├── build.sh
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── README.md
├── sample_npu_comm.cpp
├── sample_npu_comm.h
├── sample_npu.cpp
└── utils
├── json
│ ├── cJSON.cpp
│ └── cJSON.h
├── postprocess
│ ├── EsPostProcess.cpp
│ └── EsPostProcess.h
├── preprocess
│ ├── EsHwPreProcess.cpp
│ ├── EsHwPreProcess.h
│ └── IPreprocess.h
├── sample_npu_utils.cpp
├── sample_npu_utils.h
└── vdec
├── common
│ ├── sample_comm.h
│ ├── sample_comm_sys.cpp
│ ├── sample_comm_vdec.cpp
│ └── sample_comm_vps.cpp
├── EsVdec.cpp
├── EsVdec.h
├── IVdec.h
└── MemoryPool.h

src Directory

The entry point for the example code provided by NPU Runtime is the sample_npu.cpp file. This file contains a series of example cases, such as: sync, async, multi-stream, context, and dynamic batch size cases. Each case has a separate entry function in the code, so users can easily find the sample that fits their application.

The README.md file contains instructions for compiling the sample_npu code and examples of running the sample_npu command line.

The utils directory mainly includes some auxiliary utility libraries, such as image preprocessing (preprocess) and post-processing (postprocess) for the inference data.

models Directory

  • Configuration files:

    • es_yolov3_classes.txt contains category label information.
    • es_yolov3_pre_process.json contains preprocessing strategies and parameters.
    • es_yolov3_post_process.json contains parameters related to post-processing operators.
  • input Directory:

    This directory contains the pictures and preprocessed directories.

    • The pictures directory stores the original image files for inference.
    • The preprocessed directory stores the preprocessed binary data files (such as Decode, Resize, Normalization, and CVT).
  • output Directory:

    The output directory is not used in this sample. The es_run_model tool will use data from the output directory to verify the correctness of NPU Runtime inference results.


For more details, please refer to opt/eswin/sample-code/npu_sample/npu_runtime_sample/src/README.md.

debian@rockos-eswin:/opt/eswin/sample-code/npu_sample/npu_runtime_sample/bin$ ./sample_npu --help
[E][ES_MEM] open_mmz_vb_dev: 348 open /dev/mmz_vb failed!
-h, --help display help info
-s, --sample=type set sample type(
-m, --model=dir set model dirs.(Multiple model dirs are separated by commas)
-i, --input=dir set input dirs.(Multiple input dirs are separated by commas)
-o, --output=dir set output dirs.(Multiple input dirs are separated by commas)
-p, --pre_process=path set pre-process config file.(Multiple config file are separated by commas)
-q, --post_process=path set post-process config file.(Multiple config file are separated by commas)
-t, --classify=path set classify file.(Multiple classify file are separated by commas)
-n, --numbers=n set numbers of context/stream.

Example Usage

cd /opt/eswin/sample-code/npu_sample/npu_runtime_sample/bin && sudo mkdir ../out
sudo ./sample_npu -s 1 -o ../out
sudo ./sample_npu -s 2 -m /opt/eswin/sample-code/npu_sample/npu_runtime_sample/models/yolov3 -i /opt/eswin/sample-code/npu_sample/npu_runtime_sample/models/yolov3/input/pictures -p /opt/eswin/sample-code/npu_sample/npu_runtime_sample/models/yolov3/es_yolov3_pre_process.json -q /opt/eswin/sample-code/npu_sample/npu_runtime_sample/models/yolov3/es_yolov3_post_process.json -t /opt/eswin/sample-code/npu_sample/npu_runtime_sample/models/yolov3/es_yolov3_classes.txt -o ../out
