CV1800B Manual Confidentiality Agreement
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Confidentiality Clause for CV1800B Chip Manual
This manual is produced by Beijing Jingshi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and contains confidential information regarding the CV1800B chip. In order to protect this confidential information, the following terms and conditions apply to the users (hereinafter referred to as the "Users") of the manual.
1. 1.Confidentiality Obligations
Users agree to treat the confidential information in the manual as strictly confidential and undertake to take all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access, copying, dissemination, or use of the confidential information. Users agree to use the confidential information only to the extent necessary for their responsibilities and not to use it for any other purposes unrelated to the CV1800B chip.
2. Scope of Confidential Information
Confidential information includes but is not limited to all content in the manual.
3. Prohibition of Dissemination and Alteration
Users are strictly prohibited from disseminating the confidential information in the manual to any unauthorized third party. Users shall not alter, modify, or exploit the confidential information in the manual in any form. Any violation of this clause will be pursued legally and compensation will be sought.
4. Legal Protection
Users expressly understand and agree that unauthorized disclosure, copying, dissemination, or use of the confidential information in the manual may result in serious legal consequences, including but not limited to breach of contract liability and damages. The Company reserves the right to pursue legal remedies.