
OS installation steps

1. Preparation

1.1 Tool preparation

Before starting the installation, please prepare the following tools:

  • MicroSD card (at least greater than 16G)
  • MicroSD card reader
  • Serial port module

1.2 Software preparation

Select the desired image in the Download page, here is Fedora 38 as an example.


2. Burn the program to MicroSD card

2.1 Use BalenaEtcher to burn the image

a. Click on the Flash from file button and choose the fedora-disk-gnome-workstation_riscv64-f38-20230515-035559-milkv.raw.xz (hereinafter referred to as fedora38.raw.xz ) you want to use.

b. Click the Select target button and choose the microSD Card to write the fedora38.raw.xz to.

c. Click the Flash! button to begin the process.


2.2 Installing to Pioneer

Insert the burned microSD card into the Pioneer's microSD card slot.

3. Boot from microSD Card

3.1 Power on

Tap the boot button to start Pioneer.

3.2 Setting up an account

The installation wizard sets up the account password.

3.3 Done! Getting Started with Fedora 38


4. Boot from microSD Card & NVMe SSD

Please complete sections 1-3 above before proceeding with this step The following steps are recommended for operation using the serial port

Enter the account password to log in to the Fedora system


4.1 Use 'mv-rootfs.sh' to install the system to an NVMe SSD

We have included the 'mv-rootfs.sh' script in /opt for easy configuration of your system to NVMe SSDs.

Just refer to the following steps to run it.

[milkv@fedora-riscv ~]$ cd /opt
[milkv@fedora-riscv opt]$ sudo ./mv-rootfs.sh

4.2 Reboot

Reboot Pioneer to enable booting from SD cards and NVMe SSD