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SG2042 Running benchmark software usage documentation

This document is about the installation and use of SG2042 scoring software. It contains a total of two items, which are for CPU performance testing, including a total of five items, namely spec2017, spec2006, core-core latency, Uniex-bench, coremark; And for memory and IO performance runs a total of two items, namely stream and fio.

CPU Performance Testing

1. SPEC 2017

SPEC CPU is an industry-standard CPU-intensive benchmark suite. SPEC CPU2017 was released in June 2017 and contains four benchmarks. This document is about SPECrate 2017 Integer, SPECrate 2017 Floating, both are throughput tests.

1.1 How to Build

$mkdir cpu
$sudo mount cpu-1.1.9.iso cpu/
$mkdir spec2017
$sudo chmod +x spec2017/ -R
$cp -r cpu/* spec2017/
$cd spec2017
$sudo dnf install gcc g++ gfortran glibc-static libgfortran-static libxcrypt-compat

After running the./install.sh command, you will be prompted to whichdirectory to install the relevant files, type yes, you can install to the current directory, wait for the installation, after the installation is successful,continue execution:

$mv riscv.cfg config/ // This command does not need to be executed if the official cfg is used

Currently, Terapines zcc toolchain, llvm compiler, T-head compiler, gcc are supported. If you want to test with a different compiler, you can specify the compiler by modifying the CC, CXX, FC parameters of riscv.cfg:

  • GCC
CC = $(SPECLANG)gcc -std=c99
CXX = $(SPECLANG)g++ -std=c++O3
  • T-head
CC = /home/fedora/tools/gcc-riscv64-thead-fedora38-linux-gnu-10.4/bin/gcc -std=c99
CXX = /home/fedora/tools/gcc-riscv64-thead-fedora38-linux-gnu-10.4/bin/g++ -std=c++O3
FC = /home/fedora/tools/gcc-riscv64-thead-fedora38-linux-gnu-10.4/bin/gfortran
  • clang

Since llvm does not currently have a fortran library, fortran can only use gfortran:

CC = clang
CXX = calng++
FC = $(SPECLANG)gfortran
  • ZCC

Terapines fortran compiler zfc will be available in the next release.

CC = zcc --target=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu -std=c99 -mllvm --no-unsigned-wrap=false
CXX = z++ --target=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu -std=c++03
FC = $(SPECLANG)gfortran

1.2 How to use

$. ./shrc

SPECrate Integer:

$runcpu --action=run --tune=base --config=riscv.cfg intrate,

SPECrate Floating:

$. ./shrc
$runcpu --action=run --tune=base --config=riscv.cfg fprate.


Under spec2017/result is the generated score.

2. SPEC 2006

SPEC 2006 is a suite of standardized CPU test benchmarks, including the SPECint benchmark and the SPECfp benchmark.

2.1 How to build

$mkdir cpu
$sudo mount cpu2006-1.2.iso cpu/
$mkdir spec2006
$sudo chmod +x spec2006/ -R
$cp -r cpu/* spec2006/
$cd spec2006
$sudo dnf install gcc g++ gfortran glibc-static libgfortran-static libxcrypt-compat libstdc++-static.riscv64

Place the spec2006 porting toolkit linux-riscv64-118.tar in the spec2006directory, then:

$tar -xvf linux-riscv64-118.tar
$./install.sh -u linux-riscv
$mv riscv.cfg config/ #If you use other config, this step can be ignored

Currently, Terapines zcc toolchain, llvm compiler, T-head compiler, gcc are supported. If you want to use a different compiler for testing, you can specify the compiler by modifying the CC, CXX, FC parameters of riscv.cfg:

  • GCC
CC = gcc
CXX = g++
FC = gfortran
  • T-Head
CC = /home/fedora/tools/gcc-riscv64-thead-fedora38-linux-gnu-10.4/bin/gcc
CXX = /home/fedora/tools/GCC - riscv64 - thead - fedora38 - Linux - 10.4 - gnu/bin/g++
FC = /home/fedora/tools/GCC - riscv64 - thead - fedora38 - Linux - 10.4 -gnu/bin/gfortran
  • llvm
CC = clang -Wno-int-conversion -std=gnu89
CXX = g++
FC = gfortran
  • ZCC

Terapines fortran compiler zfc will be available in the next release.

CC = zcc --target=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu -Wno-int-conversion -std=gnu89 -mllvm -no-unsigned-wrap=false
CXX = z++ --target=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu -std=c++03
FC = gfortran

Note: export SPEC_INSTALL_NOCHECK=1 can bypass regression testing for perl

How to use

Run the runspec command to test, common test options are as follows:

(1) --action=build/run/onlyrun build means only compile the test set, run means run the test set, if the test set has not been compiled before, it will build and then test. onlyrun only runs but does not compile.

(2) -- tune=base/peak /all base benchmark peak test all first base test and then peak test.

(3) -size =test/train/ref /all test set, from small to large, all, run all three test sets.

(4) -- config=xxx.cfg specifies the config file, the file is saved in the config directory;

(5) -n x Specifies the number of tests, n must be greater than or equal to 3 in order to generate a test report.

(6) - reprotable generates a report int/fp/all Selects integer test, floating-point test, all runs int before fp

(7) int/fp/all selects integer test and floating point test. all runs int first and then fp.

(8)--copies=X limit the number of CPUs running when run rate test

Just Type:
runspec –action=build –tune=base –config=riscv.cfg int -reportable -n 3 -l

3. Unixbench

Unixbench is an open source tool for testing the basic performance of unix systems. It tests a series of performance of all aspects of the system, and then compares each test result with a benchmark value to obtain an index value.

3.1 How to build

$git clone https://github.com/kdlucas/byte-unixbench.git
$ cd byte-unixbench
$cd Unixbbench
$sudo dnf install perl

llvm compiler, T-head compiler, gcc are currently supported. If you want to use adifferent compiler for testing, you can modify the Makefile to select the compiler

$vim Makefile
CC=clang/gcc/the path to gcc in the T-head bin directory

3.2 How to use


If you want to get runs with different cpu numbers, you can add the -c argument to specify the number of cpus to run:

Just Type:

$/Run -c X//X is the actual number of cpus

Result: The Unixbench run-score results are in the results directory:

$cd results

4. Coremark test

4.1 How to build

$git clone https://github.com/eembc/coremark.git
$cd coremark
$cd posix/
$vi core_portme.mak

Currently support llvm compiler, T-head compiler, gcc, if you want to use a different compiler test, you can change the cc parameter to select the compiler, and change PORT_CFLAGS =-O3,PORT_CFLAGS +=-lrt-lpthread in the core_porme.mak,then:

$cd ..
$make clean

How to use

$make XCFLAGS="-DMULTITHREAD= x-duse_fork "//X specifies how many cores to measure

Result: Run score results in run1.log
Note: If you need consecutive tests, run $make clean first

5. core-core latency

Core-core latency measures the latency it takes for a CPU to send a message to another CPU via its cache coherence protocol. By pinning two threads to two different CPU cores, we can have them perform a series of comparison swap operations and measure the latency.

5.1 How to build

$git clone https://github.com/nviennot/core-to-core-latency.git
$cd core-to-core-latency
$curl, proto '= HTTPS' - tlsv1.2 - sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
$vi ~/.bashrc

Installing Rust on Fedora can be done through rustup, the tool provided by Rust officially. After rustup is installed, in order to ensure that core-to-core-latency is running correctly, add the installation directory of rustup to the environment variable of your system, and add the following at the end of the bashrc file:eg:export PATH=“$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH”, then

$source ~/.bashrc
$cargo install core-to-core-latency

5.2 How to use


If you want to visualize the results, run the following command:

$core-to-core-latency 5000 --csv > output.csv

Result: The result is in the Result directory

Results Visualization: There is a python script for visualization in the result directory. You can run this script through juypter to visualize the results.

Memory and IO Performance scores

1. Stream

stream is a set of comprehensive performance test programs, including four array operations: Copy, Scale, Add and Triad. The performance of memory bandwidth is tested by these four array operations.

1.1 How to build

$git clone https://github.com/jeffhammond/STREAM.git

llvm compiler, T-head compiler, gcc are currently supported. The commands compiled by different compilers are as follows:

$gcc-O3 -fopenmp -DSTREAM_ARRAY_SIZE=80000000 -DNTIMES=20 stream.c -o stream

$clang -O3 -fopenmp -DSTREAM_ARRAY_SIZE=80000000 -DNTIMES=20 stream.c -o stream

$/home/fedora/tools/gcc-riscv64-theel- fedora38- linux- gnu-10.4
/bin/gcc-O3-fopenmp-DSTREAM_ARRAY_SIZE=80000000-DNTIMES=20 stream.c-o stream// T-head compiler

1.2 How to run

$export OMP_NUM_THREADS=X// Specify how many threads to run
$./streamResult: The command will give the result of memory bandwidth when completed

2. FIO

Fio is an open source testing tool, mainly used to test hard disk io performance, can test block devices or files, can simulate various io operations through multi-threads or processes, can test statistics iops, bandwidth and latency performance.

2.1 How to build

llvm compiler, T-head compiler, gcc are currently supported. If you want to test with a different compiler, you can run make and specify the compiler:

$git clone https://github.com/axboe/fio.git
$cd fio
$./configure -- cc=clang//llvm compiler
$./configure--cc=/home/fedora/tools/gcc-riscv64-thead-fedora38- linux- gnu-10.4/bin/gcc // the directory where the compiler is located
$./configure //gcc compiler
$ make install

How to run 64 threads

Test the ability to read sequentially:

$sudo fio -filename=/dev/nvme0n1 -direct=1 - iodepth 1 -thread -rw=read -ioengine=psync -bs=1M -size=10G - numjobs=64 -runtime=60 - group_reporting -name=nvme

Test order write:

$sudo fio -filename=/dev/nvme0n1 -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=wirte -ioengine=psync -bs=1M -size=10G - numjobs=64 -runtime=60 - group_reporting -name=nvme