Build Bianbu OS 1.0
The Bianbu 1.0 OS Image is based on Ubuntu 23.10.
Compilation environment
The recommended host machine is Ubuntu 20.04/22.04, with docker ce and qemu-user-static (8.0.4, customized version, Vector 1.0 support is enabled by default) installed.
For docker ce installation, please refer to
Uninstall binfmt-support
The customized version of qemu-user-static conflicts with binfmt-support because the
provided by binfmt-support is a traditional SysVinit startup script, while the/lib/systemd/system/systemd-binfmt.service
provided by the customized version of qemu-user-static is a systemd service unit file./etc/init.d/binfmt-support
will be executed later than/lib/systemd/system/systemd-binfmt.service
, resulting in overwriting systemd settings.sudo apt-get purge binfmt-support
Download the customized version of qemu
Install a customized version of qemu
sudo dpkg -i qemu-user-static_8.0.4+dfsg-1ubuntu3.23.10.1_amd64.deb
Register qemu-user-static to the kernel so that the entire system (including containers) can directly execute riscv binaries
sudo systemctl start systemd-binfmt.service
Verify that qemu-user-static is successfully registered
Download the test program:
Add executable permissions to the test program:
chmod a+x rvv
Execute the test program:
The following message appears, indicating that the registration is successful.
Prepare base rootfs
1. Create a working directory
mkdir ~/bianbu-workspace
2. Create and start the container
docker run --privileged -itd -v ~/bianbu-workspace:/mnt --name build-bianbu-rootfs ubuntu:24.04
3. Entering the container
docker exec -it -w /mnt build-bianbu-rootfs bash
4. Install basic tools
apt-get update
apt-get -y install wget uuid-runtime
5. Configure environment variables
export BASE_ROOTFS=$(basename "$BASE_ROOTFS_URL")
export TARGET_ROOTFS=rootfs
6. Download the base file system
7. Extract to the specified directory
8. Mount some system resources into rootfs
mount -t proc /proc $TARGET_ROOTFS/proc
mount -t sysfs /sys $TARGET_ROOTFS/sys
mount -o bind /dev $TARGET_ROOTFS/dev
mount -o bind /dev/pts $TARGET_ROOTFS/dev/pts
Necessary Configuration
1. Configuring sources
1.1 First, configure the environment variables
export DIST=mantic
export REPO=""
export VERSION="v1.0.15"
1.2 Install the public key of the repository
wget -O $TARGET_ROOTFS/usr/share/keyrings/bianbu-archive-keyring-mantic.gpg
wget -O $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/bianbu-archive-keyring-mantic.gpg
1.3 Configure sources.list
cat <<EOF | tee $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/apt/sources.list
deb https://$REPO/ $DIST/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
# deb-src https://$REPO/ $DIST/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
# $DIST-security
deb https://$REPO/ $DIST-security/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
# deb-src https://$REPO/ $DIST-security/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
1.4 Configure sources.list.d/bianbu.list
cat <<EOF | tee $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/apt/sources.list.d/bianbu.list
# $DIST-spacemit
deb https://$REPO/ $DIST-spacemit/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
# deb-src https://$REPO/ $DIST-spacemit/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
# $DIST-porting
deb https://$REPO/ $DIST-porting/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
# deb-src https://$REPO/ $DIST-porting/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
# $DIST-customization
deb https://$REPO/ $DIST-customization/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
# deb-src https://$REPO/ $DIST-customization/snapshots/$VERSION main universe multiverse restricted
1.5 Configure source priorities
cat <<EOF | tee $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/apt/preferences.d/bianbu
Package: *
Pin: release o=Spacemit, n=mantic-spacemit
Pin-Priority: 1200
Package: *
Pin: release o=Spacemit, n=mantic-porting
Pin-Priority: 1100
Package: *
Pin: release o=Spacemit, n=mantic-customization
Pin-Priority: 1100
2. Configure DNS
echo "nameserver" >$TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/resolv.conf
3. Install hardware related packages
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "apt-get -y install ca-certificates"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "apt-get update"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --allow-downgrades upgrade"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --allow-downgrades install initramfs-tools"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --allow-downgrades install bianbu-esos img-gpu-powervr k1x-vpu-firmware k1x-cam spacemit-uart-bt spacemit-modules-usrload opensbi-spacemit u-boot-spacemit linux-image-6.1.15"
4. Install the meta-package
Different variants have different meta-packages:
- Minimal
- Dekstop
bianbu-desktop bianbu-desktop-zh bianbu-desktop-en bianbu-desktop-minimal-en bianbu-standard bianbu-development
Here is an example of making a minimal variant:
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --allow-downgrades install bianbu-minimal"
General configuration
1. Configure Region
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "apt-get -y install locales"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "echo \"locales locales/locales_to_be_generated multiselect en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8, zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8\" | debconf-set-selections"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "echo \"locales locales/default_environment_locale select zh_CN.UTF-8\" | debconf-set-selections"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "sed -i 's/^# zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales"
2. Configure time zone
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "echo 'tzdata tzdata/Areas select Asia' | debconf-set-selections"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "echo 'tzdata tzdata/Zones/Asia select Shanghai' | debconf-set-selections"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "rm /etc/timezone"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "rm /etc/localtime"
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive tzdata"
3. Configure Time Server
sed -i 's/^#NTP=.*/' $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf
4. Configure Password
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "echo root:bianbu | chpasswd"
5. Configure the network (optional)
If you only installed the minimal (bianbu-minimal) meta-package, you need to configure the network using netplan:
cat <<EOF | tee $TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: true
chroot $TARGET_ROOTFS /bin/bash -c "chmod 600 /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml"
Generate partition image
Note that after the installation and configuration are complete, cancel the mount first:
mount | grep "$TARGET_ROOTFS/proc" > /dev/null && umount -l $TARGET_ROOTFS/proc
mount | grep "$TARGET_ROOTFS/sys" > /dev/null && umount -l $TARGET_ROOTFS/sys
mount | grep "$TARGET_ROOTFS/dev/pts" > /dev/null && umount -l $TARGET_ROOTFS/dev/pts
mount | grep "$TARGET_ROOTFS/dev" > /dev/null && umount -l $TARGET_ROOTFS/dev
Generate a UUID and write it to /etc/fstab
cat >$TARGET_ROOTFS/etc/fstab <<EOF
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
UUID=$UUID_ROOTFS / ext4 defaults,noatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
UUID=$UUID_BOOTFS /boot ext4 defaults 0 2
Move boot to another directory to create bootfs and rootfs partitions separately:
mkdir -p bootfs
mv $TARGET_ROOTFS/boot/* bootfs
Generate bootfs.ext4
and rootfs.ext4
mke2fs -d bootfs -L bootfs -t ext4 -U $UUID_BOOTFS bootfs.ext4 "256M"
mke2fs -d $TARGET_ROOTFS -L rootfs -t ext4 -N 524288 -U $UUID_ROOTFS rootfs.ext4 "2048M"
If the previous meta-package uses the Desktop version, the rootfs will be larger, and you need to increase the space of rootfs.ext4 in the command, such as "9216M".
At this point, you can see two partition images in the current directory, bootfs.ext4
and rootfs.ext4
, which can be burned into the board using fastboot.
Generate SD card image
The following describes how to use genimage to create an SD card image on the host machine based on the above Docker environment.
1. Install Dependencies
echo 'tzdata tzdata/Areas select Asia' | debconf-set-selections
echo 'tzdata tzdata/Zones/Asia select Shanghai' | debconf-set-selections
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install wget python3 genimage
2. Copy the files that the firmware depends on
export TMP=pack_dir
mkdir -p $TMP/factory/
cp $TARGET_ROOTFS/usr/lib/u-boot/spacemit/bootinfo_emmc.bin $TMP/factory
cp $TARGET_ROOTFS/usr/lib/u-boot/spacemit/bootinfo_sd.bin $TMP/factory
cp $TARGET_ROOTFS/usr/lib/u-boot/spacemit/bootinfo_spinand.bin $TMP/factory
cp $TARGET_ROOTFS/usr/lib/u-boot/spacemit/bootinfo_spinor.bin $TMP/factory
cp $TARGET_ROOTFS/usr/lib/u-boot/spacemit/FSBL.bin $TMP/factory
cp $TARGET_ROOTFS/usr/lib/u-boot/spacemit/u-boot.itb $TMP
cp $TARGET_ROOTFS/usr/lib/u-boot/spacemit/env.bin $TMP
cp $TARGET_ROOTFS/usr/lib/riscv64-linux-gnu/opensbi/generic/fw_dynamic.itb $TMP
cp bootfs.ext4 $TMP
cp rootfs.ext4 $TMP
3. Download reference partition table
wget -P $TMP
4. Download the script that generates genimage.cfg and generate genimage.cfg
wget -P $TMP
python3 $TMP/ -i $TMP/partition_universal.json -n bianbu-custom.sdcard -o $TMP/genimage.cfg
5. Generate SD card image
ROOTPATH_TMP="$(mktemp -d)"
GENIMAGE_TMP="$(mktemp -d)"
genimage \
--config "$TMP/genimage.cfg" \
--rootpath "$ROOTPATH_TMP" \
--tmppath "$GENIMAGE_TMP" \
--inputpath "$TMP" \
--outputpath "."
When you see the following information, it means the packaging is successful.
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition 'bootinfo' from 'factory/bootinfo_sd.bin' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition 'fsbl' (in MBR) from 'factory/FSBL.bin' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition 'env' (in MBR) from 'env.bin' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition 'opensbi' (in MBR) from 'fw_dynamic.itb' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition 'uboot' (in MBR) from 'u-boot.itb' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition 'bootfs' (in MBR) from 'bootfs.ext4' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition 'rootfs' (in MBR) from 'rootfs.ext4' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition '[MBR]' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition '[GPT header]' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition '[GPT array]' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): adding partition '[GPT backup]' ...
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): writing GPT
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): writing protective MBR
INFO: hdimage(bianbu-custom): writing MBR
INFO: cmd: "rm -rf "/tmp/tmp.rX4fZ39DKG"/*" (stderr):