
8051 Core


The CPU used by Duo contains an 8051 core. The 8051 subsystem is located in a module that is independently powered by the RTC. The subsystem is configured with an 8051, an I2C/UART/SPI NOR/SD controller, a Timer/WDT, interrupt management, and a Mailbox IP. The system software can use the 8051 to manage wake-up conditions and wake up the system while it is in sleep mode, and communicate with external devices through peripheral controllers.

Quick Start

8051 core compilation guide

Source Code: github.


git clone https://github.com/milkv-duo/duo-8051.git
cd duo-8051/sdcc/mars/project/base_project
make clean && make

After successful compilation, the compiled firmware mars_mcu_fw.bin can be found in sdcc/mars/project/base_project/output.

How to load firmware

First download the firmware and tools and unzip the zip package:firmware.zip.

Ⅰ. Load firmware in 8051-SRAM:

  1. Copy 8051_up, mars_mcu_fw.bin, and blink.sh into /mnt/data, and grant execution and read permissions.

  2. Execute 8051_up to automatically update the firmware and start the 8051 core.

  3. Execute blink.sh. This script will send data to the 8051 core and cause the blue LED to flash (please confirm that /mnt/system/blink.sh has been removed before executing this script).


The 8051 kernel firmware cannot exceed 8KB when running this method. Exceeding the limit may cause it to not run.

Ⅱ.Load firmware in DDR memory:

  1. Change the memory allocation in the SDK and modify build/boards/[chip model]/[board config]/memmap.py .

Add the following content in MemoryMap:

# ==============
# 8051
# ==============
CHIP8051_SIZE = 512 * SIZE_1K

Modify the following content:

# ==============
# C906L FreeRTOS
# ==============
# FreeRTOS is after 8051
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  1. Recompile the firmware and burn it to the Duo board.

  2. Copy 8051_up, mars_mcu_fw.bin, blink.sh, and 8051_boot_cfg.ini into /mnt/data, and grant execution and read permissions.

  3. Execute 8051_up to automatically update the firmware and start the 8051 core.

  4. Execute blink.sh. This script will send information to the 8051 core and cause the blue LED to flash (please confirm that /mnt/system/blink.sh has been removed before executing this script).


If you want to customize the DDR memory size of 8051 to store firmware, please modify:

CHIP8051_SIZE = 512 * SIZE_1K

in which 512 is the custom size, and modify the address in 8051_boot_cfg.ini to be the custom address.

The Duo address calculation formula is "2147483648+ 64*1048576-[custom size]*1024".

The Duo-256M address calculation formula is "2147483648+256*1048576-[custom size]*1024".

(note that when filling the address to config file, it must be converted into a hexadecimal address 0xXXXXXXX.)

8051 SDCC


SDCC is a cross-compiler whose target CPU is 8051. It is used in Duo to compile 8051 core related code.

8051 on-chip resources

Peripheral resources

8051 comes with peripherals
  1. Three 16bit Timers.

  2. One uart, multiplexed PWR_UART_RX/PWR_UART_TX.

rtc domain peripherals

8051 is generally used in low-power scenarios. The rtc domain will not lose power during poweroff/suspend, which is a no die domain. Therefore, the peripherals used by 8051 in most cases are on the rtc domain. The peripheral table of rtc domain is as follows:

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AP on-chip peripherals

8051 can access 0x0 ~ 0xFFFFFFFF when the AP is powered on. In theory, all peripherals on the AP side can be accessed. However, whether the interrupt signal of the corresponding peripheral device can be transmitted to 8051, you need to check the aptortc interrupt table.

interrupt controller

Hardware structure

The interrupt control of 8051 is divided into three parts:

  1. 8051 on-chip interrupt.

  2. Peripheral interrupt signal on rtc.

  3. The AP side interrupt.

The interrupt numbers and supported interrupt types defined by 8051 are used as shown in the following table:

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The peripheral interrupt signal on the rtc can be packaged and connected to the 8051 through external interrupt 0 and external interrupt 1, which can be understood as sharing the int0_n and int1_n interrupt lines. As shown in the figure below, irq_ap2rtc[1:0] handles interrupt events on the AP.

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The interrupt event on the AP side is ORed through 0x3000250 and 0x3000254, and the interrupt on the AP side is packaged and transmitted to irq_ap2rtc[0]. The interrupt event on the AP side is packaged and transmitted to irq_ap2rtc[1] through 0x3000260 and 0x3000264.


Please refer to "reg_top_misc.xlsx" for AP side interrupt event enable and view status. For supported interrupt types and corresponding ap interrupt number, please refer to sheet "toptortc" in "cv180x_interrupt.xlsx".

Interrupt the configuration process
  1. Configure interrupt events and enable corresponding interrupts.

  2. 0x3000248 = 0x01 enables rtc2ap bus conversion.

  3. Check the bit corresponding to the interrupt number enable rtcsys_ap2rtc_irq0_sigen0/rtcsys_ap2rtc_irq0_sigen1 or rtcsys_ap2rtc_irq1_sigen0/rtcsys_ap2rtc_irq1_sigen1.

  4. enable irq_ap2rtc[0] or enable irq_ap2rtc[1].

  5. enable int0_n or enable int1_n .

  6. After the interrupt response enters the external interrupt processing function, check dw_ictl or reg 0x502507c status to see if it is due to the irq_ap2rtc[0] or irq_ap2rtc[1] event response. If so, check rtcsys_ap2rtc_irq0_status0/crtcsys_ap2rtc_irq0_status1 or rtcsys_ap2rtc_irq1_status0/rtc sys_ap2rtc_irq1_status1 View the responding AP interrupt event which one.

Interrupt control example:


static int __xdata aptortc_count = 0;
int test_aptortc_gpioa_isr(char irqn, int *priv)
write_robot(0x0302004c, 0x8000);
printf("gpio0 interrupt\n");

void test_aptortc_irq()
printf("test aptortc irq\n");
write_robot(0x03020004, 0x100c0020); //Set gpioA gpio15 as output
write_robot(0x03001908, 0x44); //Switch pinmux to pull-up
write_robot(0x03020030, 0xa000); //Enable interrupts
write_robot(0x03020038, 0x8000); //Set up edge triggering

ap2rtc_request_irq(17, test_aptortc_gpioa_isr, NULL);


printf("REG_51_INT1_SRC_MASK: 0x%081x\n", read_robot(REG_51_INT1_SRC_MASK));
EX0 = 1;
EX1 = 1;
EA = 1;
while(aptortc_count == 0)
printf("gpioA irq 0x3020040 = %x, aptortc_irq status = %x\n",read_robot(0x3020040),read_robot(0x3000258));

printf("aptortc_count = %d\n",aptortc_count);

8051 address mapping and startup method

The 8051 core address space is divided into the following three parts:

  1. Program memory:Internal rom(64K)+External rom(64K~4M by code banking).

  2. Data memory:Internal ram(256byte)+External ram(64K~4G).

  3. Special register(128byte).

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8051 itself does not come with externel rom and externel ram. What is expressed here is the bus addressability. In the system, externel rom and externel rom are mapped to the memory on the chip through 0x5025020 and 0x5025024 or sfr (0xfd, 0xfc), such as AHB SRAM, TPU SRAM, DDR, SPINOR address space.

8051 module responsible for address mapping

  1. u_mcu_8051_iram.

  2. u_mcu_8051_sfr_wp(Responsible for the conversion of SFR to AHB bus).

  3. u_mcu_8051_xdata_wp(Responsible for mapping externel rom and externel ram).

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The conversion from SFR to AHB bus is mainly used to read and write registers. In the code, robot_read and robot_write are through this interface.

The 8051 address line has a bit width of 16 bits and the data line has a bit width of 8 bits. The XDATA interface maps externel rom and externel ram to 32-bit address space such as AHB SRAM, TPU SRAM, DDR and SPINOR.

Notes on address mapping and startup methods

  1. cv181x and cv180x need to configure reg_51_rom_addr_def = 1 in 0x5025020.

  2. 8051 irom can only be mapped to AHB SRAM by default. You can modify reg_51irom_ioffset[4:0] in 0x5025024 to configure the offset of the first address on AHB SRAM.The first address is 0x5200000 + reg_51irom_ioffset[4:0] * 2KB. Only when reg_51_mem_ea_n = 1 (the configured externel rom does not exist), the mcu will start from the irom. If the irom address is exceeded, it will go to the externel rom to fetch address.When reg_51_mem_ea_n = 0, it starts from externel rom and does not use irom.

  3. The first address of externel rom can be mapped to AHB SRAM, TPU SRAM, DDR and SPINOR address space. The reg_51xdata_ioffset0[20:0] of 0x5025020 can be configured to determine the mapping address. The first address of externel rom is reg_51xdata_ioffset0[20:0] * 2KB.

  4. The first address of Externel ram can be mapped to AHB SRAM, TPU SRAM, DDR, and can be configured with reg_51xdata_doffset0[20:0] or SFR(0xfd, 0xfc).

  5. If reg_51xdata_doffset0[20:0] is configured, the first address of the external ram is reg_51xdata_doffset0[20:0] * 2KB. At this time, sfr 0xfc = 0, 0xfd = 0 must be set, and the address of reg_51xdata_doffset0[20:0] and SFR must be configured at the same time. It is the superimposed effect of the two.

  6. When reg_51xdata_doffset0[20:0] = 0, configure SFR{0xfd,0xfc}, then the first address of externel ram is SFR{0xfd,0xfc} * 64KB .


Since most 8051 are used in low-power consumption scenarios, most of the startup methods are that both program memory and data memory are mapped to AHB SRAM.

Modify the division of external rom and external ram

Modify the MakeFile in the SDCC code directory sdcc/mars/project/base_project:

# ------------------------------------------------------
# Memory Layout

# PRG Size = 4K Bytes
CODE_SIZE = --code-loc 0x0000 --code-size 0x1F00

# INT-MEM Size = 256 Bytes
#IRAM_SIZE = --idata-loc 0x0000 --iram-size 256

# EXT-MEM Size = 32K Bytes
XRAM_SIZE = --xram-loc 0x1900 --xram-size 0x400

# ------------------------------------------------------
# MCS51 Options

Modify CODE_SIZE, XRAM_SIZE to change the size of external rom and external ram.


AHB SRAM register size is 8KB. When using AHB SRAM as external rom, be careful not to allocate more than 8KB memory.

SFR register

The SFR (Special Function Register) is located at 80H~FFH. SFR registers are divided into two categories, one is the SFR register that comes with the 8051, and the other is the extended SFR register. The complete SFR register can be found at d8051_db.pdf


For more information on 8051 basic knowledge, please refer to the website link and datasheet d8051_db.pdf

Implementation of robot_write and robot_read

The following figure shows the relevant SFR registers that implement robot_write and robot_read :

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robot_write :

  1. Set reg_51robot_sizereg_51robot_adrreg_51robot_wdreg_51robot_we = 1

  2. reg_51robot_fire is set to 1 during writing, please poll this register until reg_51robot_fire == 0.

robot_read :

  1. Set reg_51robot_sizereg_51robot_adrreg_51robot_we = 0

  2. reg_51robot_fire is set to 1 during reading, please poll this register until reg_51robot_fire == 0.

  3. Read data from reg_51robot_rd.

Firmware loading tool 8051_UP

This tool is used to load the bin firmware into memory and start the 8051 core.

Source Code: github

Compilation method


git clone https://github.com/milkv-duo/duo-examples.git
git clone https://github.com/milkv-duo/duo-8051.git
cp -r ./duo-8051/tools/8051_up ./duo-examples
cd ./duo-examples/8051_up
source ../envsetup.sh

After successful compilation, the executable file 8051_up will be generated in the duo-examples/8051_up directory.


The compiled software can be found in firmware.zip . For the compilation method, please refer to the Demo in duo-examples .